Graffiti can be removed from basically all types of surfaces. It is important to choose the appropriate graffiti remover or graffiti protection for the substrate.
Following products are recommended for graffiti protection or graffiti removal from facade paints.
Hint: PERMA-Primer is used in combination with PERMA-Guard to enhance its adhesion or for strong color changes. The substrate darkens only slightly or not at all. No need to prime with PERMA-Primer on acryl based new surfaces.
PERMA-Primer – No need for a primer if the surface has been treated with an acryl based facade paint.
Examples of acryl based facade paints are:
Sto Color - Maxicryl
Brillux Evocryl 200
Caparol Acryl-facade white
If you don’t know the type of facade paint or if it isn’t an acryl based facade paint we recommend using PERMA-Primer. CAUTION!! Do not use graffiti protection (PERMA-Guard) on facade paints with lotus effect or strong hydrophobic properties or on facades/ facade paints that have been subsequently impregnated.
Hint: During the removal of graffiti from painted or lacquered surfaces, the facade paint/ varnish may also be removed due to the special solvents used in the removal. As a result the affected area may need to be painted/varnished again.
Recommendation: Due to insufficient breathability of the facade, bleed-through of painted over graffiti and poor adhesion (spray paint) through graffiti, it is necessary to always remove graffiti before painting over.
High alkaline graffiti / lacquer remover
Remover G14 dissolves in a single application several layers of lacquers from almost all surfaces. Due do its high alkaline formulation it is reserved for professional users.
For professional use only.
Highly concentrated graffiti remover
Remover BLUE is a highly concentrated graffiti remover which allows persistent graffiti to be easily and reliably removed from moist substrates.
For professional use only.